Saturday, May 9, 2015

I See You

This is a respectful greeting in some highly civilized societies. Do we really, really see each other? 

I have an old sand sculpted shell with pinholes on one side where the shell has worn away. You can see the light shining through the pinholes. On the other side, it has worn away so much, it is almost all canyons and holes. 

This reminds me of the universe full of light upon light upon light, with just a few objects around to cast shadows.  When we look out at the night sky and see a pinhole of light, we know it is really a massive blazing sun. 

The same is true when I look at you through the pinhole of my dim awareness! When I do, I see an awesome, divine, masterful and holy Being worthy of the greatest respect: a carrier of at least several billion earth years sacred lineage DNA living patterning, the rightful pilot of a mind that is equipped with a brain that is the most complex object known to science. You are looking into the eyes of the originator/designer of the body of the universe. You are peering into the very face of God, one way to call it. 

 You deserve great respect for even daring to come to this rough and tumble planet at such a moment as this! And so does each and every person you will ever meet here! Celebrate our bravery with a well earned nod to this nobility hidden in all of the beings you meet. 

I See You

You are the egg that was chosen,

 the sperm that succeeded.

You are older than the hills

but still fresher than sunshine.

Your infinite dignity 

peers out from the primal face

pattern template 

of the One life.


I honor that in you

touching that in me

which is holy!

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."-Matthew 5:8

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