Saturday, May 23, 2015

Into the Darkness

"Dig until you hit rock. Then take out that jackhammer and go a little deeper."-Allison Brennan

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you are there? How about this life? This embodiment, this incarnation? Do you remember why you came? Most of us will say we are have come here to learn, to play, to have experiences, to love.

Some say the way to do this is to follow your bliss. But the path to our bliss can be a downhill path. The children's game of chutes and ladders was originally a teaching game, illustrating that some things we do help us to make progress, and with some choices, we fall back.

Instead of following my bliss, I find treasure hidden elsewhere. To really make progress, my richest vein of hidden treasure is in the direction of whatever I do not want to deal with! 

Wherever I do not want to look is where my fortune is buried. Like with the bird with a fake broken wing, flapping and flopping about, all you need do to find the nest she is trying to distract you from, is to look in the opposite direction she is flapping in. To find the treasure, I have to dive deep right smack dab into the direction where the yukky feelings are.

I admit I enjoy driving. I walk or ride my bike when I can, but if I have to drive, I like it.  It gives me an exhilarating feeling to go around wearing a car. I turn into a sleek and powerful animal in a car skin. But driving also brings out the worst in me, bringing up all of my impatient, angry, and judgemental tendencies. 

This is wonderful, see? I can take advantage of any opportunity to change when these impulses present themselves by coming up. The only way to change is to practice, and this is my chance to learn to play the game!

"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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