Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Living with Dihydrogen Monoxide

Dihydrogen Monoxide is a colorless, odorless chemical compound, also known as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydric Acid, or simply 'water.'

Seemingly ordinary, water is one of the most fascinating and complex elements known to science.  Water puzzles and intrigues scientists. According to the usual behavior of molecules, water should exist in a gaseous state at temperatures that humans are comfortable in. No one knows why it doesn't. You may have been taught in school that elements have three states; solid, liquid, and gaseous. But to date, water has been discovered to have hundreds of states. 

Water is not simply water. It is sensitive to who and what is around it. Maybe that is why water is associated with our feelings and emotions. Then there is the amazing work of Dr Emoto. He and others have shown that water is sensitive even to your thoughts at a distance. 

In one experiment, water was placed in bottles labelled with sacred symbols of various spiritual traditions, as people walked by merely seeing them. The water changed, structuring itself on the molecular level into elegant and lovely patterns in response to the thoughts of the people walking by. Our bodies are, after all, mostly water. The water in our bodies is constantly being imprinted with the patterns of our thoughts, for the better or worse.

Water can be charged with vitality, or dull and 'dead' depending on conditions. One theory of why certain populations in remote corners of the world, such as the "healthy Hunzas" live such long and heathy lives, involves the water that they drink. 

These populations have in common that they all drink structured water from mountain snowmelt.  Water in your fresh squeezed fruit or veggie juice is already structured water. 

The health benefits of fresh juice are well documented. One reason why the raw food diet is such a powerful healing modality is indeed that it is mostly structured water rich foods, still carrying a healthy charge. 

It is possible to structure your water, the water in your body, the water in your food, the water you drink. Saying grace, blessing the food, does this. 

You can charge the water with crystals or other methods. You can label your water bottle with positive affirmations, or hold your glass in your hands to make Reiki water. 

Water is used as a carrier in energy medicine such as homeopathy, and the branch of homeopathy that I practice, the Bach flowers.  In both, the physical substance is imprinted in the water and dilluted and redilluted until in some remedies, there may not be even one atom of the physical substance left! Yet each time you take the imprinted water, the INFORMATION is transmitted. 

(What water to drink?!)

"Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine." ~Slovakian Proverb

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