Saturday, May 30, 2015

Feeling my Way




























Monday, May 25, 2015


The Omniblog is going on vacation for the summer, probably returning in the fall. Right now I am going into deep dreaming creativeland.

I will try to send postcards once in a while. You can send me questions and topic suggestions anytime.

In place of the Omniblog, I present, The Omniart notebook, a random, unstructured, intimate look into my art process. 

If you would like to see a small sample of my art work, available in many forms, visit my online art gallery. You can contact me there, and thanks for supporting my work with money!

“In a cool solitude of trees

Where leaves and birds a music spin,

Mind that was weary is at ease,

New rhythms in the soul begin.” 

― William Kean Seymour

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Nature Healing

(Field notes on the simple beauty of precious nature healing-

The Flower Child's Garden Planet:)

“Flies travel like they’re named. Humans should be called Walks.” ― Jarod Kintz

Today neither Granny nor I feel well. She is cold at room temperature, and I'm not even close to ready for the usual morning hike. So of course, the solution is to bundle up and head outside, where it's even colder than in the house. The idea is to get the circulation going. 

She has never lived here before, so she does not know the flowers of the spring growing here. Being out in the effusive complexity of nature soothes us. Being out in fresh air revives us. Being grounded, literally, feeds us Earth energy. We are immersed in healing nature energy.

We see hummingbirds and bright crimson headed woodpeckers. Two grosbeaks, in tight orbit streak by, flashing red and black and white. A bit of sky swoops down, the handsomely appointed stellar jay. Swallows spiral around above us. I hear a sound I only recently identified, thanks to watching a utube, the bark, which sounds more like a scream, of our local fox, in the woods above the road.

We visit all the different wildflower areas we can find, a surprising lot of them! I take pictures of the different flowers blooming in each area...

We have to choose how much of this little forest edge meadow to cut, and how much to leave, each year, being sure to not create fire hazard, balancing the wildflower cycle. Some kinds of plants benefit, others suffer, so we change it around and rotate from year to year. Each year, we are finding more and more flowers.

 Soon we are all feeling much better, the sun melts the cool fog away.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Into the Darkness

"Dig until you hit rock. Then take out that jackhammer and go a little deeper."-Allison Brennan

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you are there? How about this life? This embodiment, this incarnation? Do you remember why you came? Most of us will say we are have come here to learn, to play, to have experiences, to love.

Some say the way to do this is to follow your bliss. But the path to our bliss can be a downhill path. The children's game of chutes and ladders was originally a teaching game, illustrating that some things we do help us to make progress, and with some choices, we fall back.

Instead of following my bliss, I find treasure hidden elsewhere. To really make progress, my richest vein of hidden treasure is in the direction of whatever I do not want to deal with! 

Wherever I do not want to look is where my fortune is buried. Like with the bird with a fake broken wing, flapping and flopping about, all you need do to find the nest she is trying to distract you from, is to look in the opposite direction she is flapping in. To find the treasure, I have to dive deep right smack dab into the direction where the yukky feelings are.

I admit I enjoy driving. I walk or ride my bike when I can, but if I have to drive, I like it.  It gives me an exhilarating feeling to go around wearing a car. I turn into a sleek and powerful animal in a car skin. But driving also brings out the worst in me, bringing up all of my impatient, angry, and judgemental tendencies. 

This is wonderful, see? I can take advantage of any opportunity to change when these impulses present themselves by coming up. The only way to change is to practice, and this is my chance to learn to play the game!

"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, May 22, 2015

Earth Treasure Vase

"Our meditations and prayers bear witness to the poison of toxic waste and the inhumane torture inflicted on people, animals and plants. From the backwaters and jungles, the remote highlands and arctic villages, we have joined together in ceremony with members of local communities imagining a world without suffering." -Cynthia Jurs

Cynthia Jurs climbs up a long path up a steep hill in the Himalayas. She is a young seeker and is doing what you have seen before in the comics hundreds of times. She is going up to seek an audience with an lama who is over a hundred years old. She ponders what she will ask, given this precious opportunity.

She settles on a question that is about to change the course of her life, 'what can I do to help the Earth in this time upheaval, pollution and strife?' The answer he gives is 'Earth Treasure Vases', a magical kind of homeopathy for planets, apparently. 

So, for the next several decades, this is her path. She goes around the world planting these vases to protect, heal, and bless the land and all those upon it.

Brought to Earth by Padmasambhava, the eighth century founder of Tibetan Buddhism, this practice is a Terma blessing, or a teaching hidden away until the time when it is most needed and appropriate.  

Cynthia goes to places all over the world, meets with local the people, and together they create prayers for the healing of that place. This process in and of itself starts the healing. 

Objects are placed in the vases holding these prayers, then they are buried forever in the Earth. These might be sacred images, statuettes, gems, medicines, scrolls, nature objects collected from sacred spots, and so on. 

The intended effect is to pacify angry earth deities who are upset by damage to the land and nature caused by abuse by humans. These vases have now been put in place all over the world. 

(You can learn more, and even get a specially consecrated vase to plant yourself:)