Thursday, January 9, 2020

It’s Later Than Its Ever Been

“It was later than I thought, when I first believed you, now I cannot share your laughter, ship of fools”- Grateful Dead

It’s later than it’s ever been, but it’s not too late. Let’s take stock of the present moment. 

Air, water, and earth, poisoned and degraded, climate spiraling out of any semblance of predictable, ice caps melting, sea levels rising up into the worlds’ coastal cities where most people live, weapons of mass destruction loaded and pointed, with new and more destructive ones continuing to be built with money gained from exploiting people and planet, whole species of plants and animals disappearing from the world daily in an unprecedented mass extinction caused by only one species, non democratic surveillance states closing in on billions of people, and super mega corporations promoting the status quo of inexorable deterioration when radical change is our only hope. Wow.

On the other hand, we are smarter than ever before. There are probably as many great geniuses alive today as all the ones that have ever lived put together, though intelligence is not the same as wisdom. Still, there are probably as many wise souls alive today as have ever lived, all put together. There is more democracy and inter communication than ever before, despite the proliferation of mis and dis information on the same channels.

There is a growing awareness of the above stated problems, on the part of people everywhere, including masses of regular people as well as the super smart and wise ones, and they are thinking about it, and working on it. There are technical solutions to all of the environmental problems, and all that is lacking is the political will to act on them. We even have diplomatic channels and formats for working out out political differences peacefully, standing down, and the beginning of prototypes for relinquishing our weapons and disarming. Other than petty corruption and the desire of individuals in power in non democratic countries there is no longer any reason for the warlike preparations going on, no reason not to share the planet in peace and harmony. War is truly obsolete now. 

“It does not have to be ‘you or me,’so selfishness is unnecessary and war is obsolete.”-Bucky 

Delusional and foolish billionaires dig holes where they can hide out and put their stolen loot in, and build spaceships to escape the gravity of what their policies are leading to, but it is here on the surface of Earth, now, where the solution is growing. While they fantasize about teraforming Mars, we still have a viable planet that is far better right here, if only we could just change our mind. And heart.

The real issue is a question as to whether enough of us can get wise enough to make smart decisions, in time. It’s later than it’s ever been.

But it’s not too late.

I wonder what we will choose...

“Jesus wept.”-The Bible

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