Thursday, January 23, 2020

Flowing with the Waves

“Time is an illusion, timing is an art.” -Stefan Emunds

Timing is everything, as they say. In tantra it is. The waves of the world, the waves of the universe, are in harmony with the beats of the heart, the frequencies of the brain, the impulse of the soul. Or not. If they are out of alignment, we suffer. If they are aligned, everything flows effortlessly.

“You better know when to ride the waves, and when to dive deep” -Sunheart, “Wild Wind”
There is a time to ride the waves. You find yourself perfectly positioned with your surfboard at just the right moment when the big one comes rolling up. 

But when that great wave comes and you are in the place where it will break over you and crush you into the pulverized shells at the bottom of the beach, this is not the moment to mount the surfboard, lest you, and it, be splintered into pieces. That would be the time to dive deep, right into the heart of the wave, to go right through the wave, and let it pass harmlessly on by.

There are ourstorical moments for each great turning in our cultural evolution. Like a time of ripeness, when the fruit falls into the hand without pulling. The same for each tiny turning in the flow of the day, or the seasons of ones’ life. Everything is in spin. You must learn to watch and flow.

The deep dive is no less of a going with the flow. Ponder the salmon who seems to leap easily up the waterfall. How can this happen? How can this small creature seemingly defy gravity and the enormous power of the rushing stream and go the opposite way?

Because of the spin. As the water crashes downward onto the steps of the waterfall, it must move, it must go somewhere. Currents of counterspin are created, whirling eddies that the salmon taps into for upward thrust, enabling them to fly up into the air.

Everything is always in motion, fast or slow. There is always choice. And never only two choices. The possibilities fan out before you endlessly opening, rushing sometimes so fast through the narrows that you hardly appreciate the options. But there is a thing, a no thing, really, a still point that is no point, from which you can see your way.

Here I digress, for the universe has no lines, and no points, really. Our mathematics, based on points and lines therefore starts out on the wrong foot, and misleads our thinking from its very first assumptions. The point to which I refer is an imaginary not a physical point, but a mental point of view.

It is the still point that is in the center of meditation. It is the ever receding stillness as you go deeper and deeper into quiet behind the quiet behind the quiet place. The cause that gave rise to the cause that gave rise to the cause, on back toward the beginning that never was.

But you need not be deep in meditation, for it is available at every moment, at every decision point, before even, every thought. The empty center of no where is everywhere all the time, and never not, even if you forgot.

“When you obey the rules, the rules obey you” 
-Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

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