Saturday, November 16, 2019

On the Idea of Evil

I don’t believe in the devil, and I think evil is just unconsciousness.

There are things and even beings which have gotten shuffled into areas where they are out of place. A cougar wanders into a playground.  So there is need to fight sometimes, to protect. 

But can there be beings, devils, or psychic entities who try to create fear and suffering so they can farm emotions to parasitize people? 

There is energy everywhere, and everywhere there is energy, the universe comes up with ways to use it. Bacteria arise to eat the garbage. Cougars proliferate when we invade and devastate forests, as has happened here, in a misguided attempt to provide for our children, resulting in an overpopulation of deer that thrive in clearings. 

But ultimate evil megabeings who try to run worlds? Only in their fantasies. More like just puny wizard of oz style oversized ignorant egos who temporarily have too much power and not enough wisdom.

Whenever you have multiple players in a game, you have temporary cloaking of motivations. This can be on a level of friendly playful contention, with a respectful handshake at the end, or it can get out of hand, if egos rule. Ego is the root of temptation. It is the true meaning of the word selfish. 

A little self is ok, a little self care is not selfish, it is responsible. Who else will drive your vehicle-body, if not you? You are an individual for a purpose, or why have a body of your own? But when the steering wheel becomes the driver instead of the mechanism for implementing the driver’s choices, the system is out of whack, and there will surely and inevitably be casualties.

It is possible for many, even an endless number of individual beings to arise and flourish and still live in peace. And it is possible for as few as two egos to create a constant state of misery and contention and live in a hellish prison of their own making. Maybe even one ego!

So each one is exactly where they have shaken down to, in the gravity of the time and space matrix, perfectly situated for moving around from there according to their wishes and needs.

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where someone or something seems terribly out of place.  This is usually a boundary problem. The big cat gets stuck on the wrong side of the playground fence, the bacteria gets out of the garbage and into the food. The result can create great amount of suffering or at least great fear. It seems evil to its victims, but without an intention to harm by a conscious being, there is only a mismatch.

To be enlightened, that is, truly conscious, while also intending to harm others, is an oxymoron.  But history is full of situations that have gotten way out of hand. Humans on Earth are by and large, far from awake. The confusion here is strong. Slowly they are waking. They are semiconscious at best, and most of the time, they function as smart pack animals. They can commit atrocities upon one another individually in their instinctual mode; and when their capacity to work together goes toward group goals that are at odds with awakened wisdom, much suffering has resulted, and this can seem quite deserving of the appellation “evil.”

The combination of pooled intelligence and skewed intentions is particularly poisonous to human groups, due to the amplified power of the group. The more power intelligently but unwisely directed, the more we want to call it evil instead of misplaced.

“Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: 
But I say unto you, That ye RESIST NOT EVIL: but who soever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” -Yashua

In other words, don’t engage on the level of the slight to your ego by seeking revenge, that only keeps your energy and attention stuck in that level; instead, get out of there by rising above it.

If you can, wake up from that nightmare. Mobility is nobility; where your attention is, there you are. The best way to win the fight, as it is said, is to not be there for it.

I wonder when a critical mass of us will wake up and create heaven on Earth?

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