Friday, October 28, 2022

Steven and the Star People

Steven and the Star People

And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you shall in no wise enter into the kindom of heaven.” -Jesus (“kin-dom”: a realm of relatedness)

(The following is a story by a grandmother who did CE 5. Once you experience conscious, invited, human initiated contact with ETs, you will never see the universe and the heavens in the same way again.)

Listen, my children, for this story I am about to tell you is true. When I was little, the world was full of people with airplanes and cars, but no one really was sure if there were other people in the universe. Some people saw flying saucers in the sky, but if they told people, everyone would laugh at them.

Still, there were stories and movies about space people. In some, the star people were wise and kind, but most of the stories were about scary space monsters who just wanted to eat us for lunch. There were many more animals back then. We were so scared of them that we killed a lot of them. Now, most of them are gone, or live in special parks. Maybe people were afraid the real space people would be like the wild animals, like bears or lions, who might try to eat us for lunch. People were confused because they, themselves, ate other creatures for lunch, so why would space people not want to maybe eat us?

One day, a kid named Steven saw a flying saucer. It was pretty. When he grew up, he saw it again! The same one! Space people came out of it and visited Steven. They seemed nice. They invited Steven to visit them in the their spaceship and he said yes.

On board the spaceship, Steven and their new friends talked about how to help Earth people meet star people, so they could be friends. The space people did not want to eat anyone. Steven saw that the space people were friendly and wanted to help us.

And we needed help! Some people were making scary weapons for fighting, instead of trying to live in peace with each other. They made bombs that could burn up a whole city as fast as you can pop a balloon! And bit by bit, the world was burning up from too much fire, and not enough love and caring. 

We burned up trees, and even whole forests. We burned things to make our food, we burned things to heat our houses, and all of the cars had fires inside the engines that made them go. There was too much fire! The air was getting too dirty. Soon, no one would be able to live on Earth at all! We were burning up our own world!

When I was little, the grown ups told us we would have flying cars when we grew up. Even then, there were flying cars, but the people who had them decided not to share them. They kept it a secret. They would not share! Nobody even knew there were flying cars. Then we grew up, and mostly we thought it was not possible to have a flying car.

But we never forgot about the promise of flying cars. Why did the people who had flying cars not share? We all began to wonder. Were they just being mean? Why would they hide them, and keep them a secret? There are never good reasons to keep a secret. If someone wants you to keep a secret, say no!

Those people were being mean. They didn’t care if the world was burning up, because they wanted to sell gas for burning, and get big piles of money. They had a way, way lot of gas, enough to burn up the whole world! (But flying cars do not need gas. They do not need wheels or roads. They do not even need wings. They just fly!) Nothing burns in a flying car, so if we had flying cars, these mean people could not sell their gas! They were being greedy too, because they already had big, big piles of money, so, they did not even need any more than that!

So Steven decided to tell the secret: Steven shouted, “We already have flying cars! We have to stop burning so much stuff like gas and trees. So we will start talking to the space people. They are nice, and they don’t want to eat us, they only want to help us. And they have flying cars, too. And they will share!”

Steven talked to the star people from space, (where there are other planets, that do have flying cars.) Together, they figured out a way for Earth people to call them. Here is how you can do it: Feel the love in your heart, and send love to the star people. Tell them, with your thoughts, that you want them to come and visit. Tell them to come by and say hello, in a way that is safe and fun for everyone; for you, and for them. (It is sometimes not a good time or place to land a spaceship, so be patient) Then show them a picture, in your mind, of where you are, so they can find you. Soon you will see, or hear, or some way or other know they are visiting.

When enough people see that the star people are friendly, we will all get flying cars. And the fires that are burning up the world will go out, the air will become clear and bright, and the animals will come back. And no one will eat anyone any more.

“I’m so close to Heaven, this Hell cannot be mine.”

~ Melissa Etheridge

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