Wednesday, September 28, 2022

My Expanding Universe

My universe is getting wider. I dwell here at the edge of the forest for years, unaware of all of the creatures around me. A few months ago, we put up bird feeders that dispense seeds. Suddenly, all kinds of seed eating birds begin to show up. These are birds we have never seen here, though I now realize they have been here all along, since I have matched their songs and calls to their appearance, and I already know how they sound.

They spill a lot of seeds. Soon we have three kinds of squirrels, and some chipmunks too, visiting our deck. All of this commotion attracts an owl, which perches atop a nearby tree, for hours in the evening, watching. In plain sight! Yes, I have heard the owls many nights before, yet I have never seen one here.

I discover a nifty tool for being aware of the birds around me. I already have binoculars, which I tote around with me on my daily walks. They give me visual superpowers. But now I have an audio bird identification app on my phone. I know many of our birds already, but when I turn this app, Merlin, on, and let it listen to the birds on my walks, I am startled to realize there are many species around me that I never recognized. For every three bird calls I may know, the app alerts me to three more. I never knew they were there! I also have an app on my phone that can play bird calls to them, in their language, so to speak. When I do, they often respond, probably out of confusion or curiosity, but still. These are birds that have been there with me for years, unseen, heard but unrecognized, but present, all around, all along.

It begins to dawn on me that the same must be true for the animals around here as well. I know three or four kinds of rabbits live here, but I usually do not see them. My neighborhood is home to coyotes, foxes, cougars, deer, bears, raccoons, and skunks, and a multitude of tiny creatures such as mice, voles, bats, and gophers. And lizards, with iridescent blue tails! Snakes arrayed in colorful stripes. 

There are dragonflies of four colors. Blue butterflies, orange butterflies, red butterflies.

Bright green tree frogs loudly broadcast their locations to one another at night. Tadpoles appear in the pond. Ducks and herons drop by the pond now and then. Eagles, ospreys, hawks, and vultures circle above. Usually we humans are so obsessed with our terrestrial concerns down below, that we rarely even look up to notice them.

All this, and when I look around, it often seems so quiet and still. But now I know; it is not so! The air, land, and water is teeming with life. All these abound, under the life giving love light of our daystar. But we are starting to do more than getting into their business; we are starting to threaten their very existence with our thoughtless and anthropocentric ways. 

Now I carry the awareness that they are all around me, all of the time.

As above, so below; as below, so above. It is axiomatic. So, I raise my attention to the starry night sky: How could it not be also teeming with life? With a gazillion, trazillion, quizillion, stars out there, most of which have planets; some similar to ours, how can there not be other worlds, other beings, other environments, other civilizations! Again, our blinders of attention cause us to neglect to consider them. Do we really need to wait to be told about them by other humans? The so called authorities and experts? No, we can assume they are there.

Actually, we can assume they are HERE. All around us, all of the time, being themselves, doing their own thing, minding their own business. 

Problem is, as with the animals in my neighborhood, we are all in each other’s business, to a lesser or greater extent. The worlds, the realms, the dimensions interpenetrate. We are becoming more and more aware of how we are impinging on the other creatures and environment of Earth, with our destruction of habitat, noise, EMF, light pollution, and toxic waste. But what about the neighbors from our surrounding stellar environment?

Is that really so separate from us? Look up on a dark and starry night, if you can get far enough away from the light pollution that blights the velvet indigo firmament, and you can see pretty much forever. There are no borders, no walls; no little imaginary lines on the map unless we draw them.

This is just as much your place, your home, as any spot on Earth. Stand anywhere on Earth, and you will be able to notice that only your feet touch the ground of this world. The rest of you is already standing in this infinite sky! We know the stars are still all around us in the daytime, even though we do not see them. You are a space being, in time. Reach out your arm, and you literally rearrange the universe. Step back into the part of your mind that is reading this, that is watching those stars, and you are one with Only One in each of us, The One Who beholds it all. 

You are the consciousness peering out from all eyes. You did not create yourself; you are spun from the same stuff, animated by the same spirit as all beings, everywhere.

So when we smart monkeys act on our hard wired, long evolved instinct, and fight each other’s tribes and groups, we are doing our thing. But when we we do it with nukes and super destructive weaponized technologies, we are impinging on the realities and business of those other beings around us. We may call them aliens, but they are not so alien. They are our space neighbors. Our primitive behavior, combined with our advanced weapons that interpenetrate their dimensions, is getting in their business too. The ETs are here because we are a danger to ourselves and others, including, yes, these beings we are not aware of.  But who are certainly aware of us. 

And they are a bit concerned. Ok, more than a bit concerned. It is time for the smart monkeys of Earth to change our ways and be good neighbors, to each other, those above, and those below. It is time to give love and make peace, all around.

For no matter where we place our attention, we are not alone. And we never have been. Don’t fall for the propaganda that they are hostile. That is just our monkey DNA programmed projection. If they were a threat, we would be toast by now! Their forbearance and patient, parent-like concern, and even subtle supervision, is ample proof that they mean only to help, and not to interfere, unless absolutely necessary to protect us all.

There is even an app for this, now, to make friendly contact with our ET neighbors. I have this one on my phone too! All you need, to follow the protocols on the CE 5 Contact app, is your natural, inborn, connection to our shared One mind consciousness, the ability to think clearly, a sincere heart, and peaceful intent. You can of course, do this, without the app, as you are a sovereign citizen of the universe, and never separate. It is time for everyone to become a good galactic neighbor, an ambassador of peace and love, from Earth.

Now I walk around with a new awareness. They are all around me, all of the time. All my relations.

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