Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Put it in the Cosmic Cloud

The World Healing Bank was formally conceived in the early weeks of the pandemic of 2020. It runs on Reiki donations.

Reiki is just generic God-stuff, an undifferentiated healing essence, that we could also call life force, love, blessings, etc, for the purpose of this writing. You can “send love”, as they say. The main thing is your intention, combined with some effort in the form of an action such as a thought, visualization, touch, breath, or any deliberate and conscious action. So we are dealing with Reiki here, but to participate, you need only to have love to give, or need some.

World Healing Bank was set up last spring, and you can read about it here:

Though it is not a physical building, it is very real, more real than a bank with money in it. All you have to do if you need some healing, is ask for it. It is always free.

If you have some healing love to give, send it on in. It is always open.

You can offer it to any and all and know that it will be dispensed as needed. Reiki comes with its own wisdom guidance system. You can just give, and trust.

If, on the other hand, you perhaps want to send some healing love to a particular person, being, creature, planet, or ecosystem, or to an event, time, or place, you can just designate it and an account will open just for that cause.

Isn’t that what prayer is, you may ask? Yes. This is a form of prayer. But it is also like a food bank, where people bring in actual food, for specific actual people to eat, on specific actual days, when they need it. In both cases everything ultimately comes from the One, the Source, from Infinite Creator. And you can surely pray for someone any way that you may wish.

In this world, at this time, all ways of delivering help are useful. The ritual of consciously packaging and sending aid to  help out gives much needed healing to the sender as well as the intended recipient. 

The world is a stage to practice our love and act it out in real life. It is a dance you can get better at with repetition. It is a planet full of specific beings and particular needs, otherwise we need not be individuals with bodies doing things with things! If you pray for a loaf of bread, and I made an extra loaf today, then I get the pleasure and honor of being the conduit of the answer to your prayer. 

This is how the World Healing Bank operates. You bake the loaf, package it the way you would like, address it to your intended recipient or to the WHB for wise dispensation, smile, and know that you have made a contribution. You are blessed, and we are all richer. Your contribution is an addition to the great reservoir of “bodhicitta”, or accumulated virtue, available for all to draw upon. The whole world is uplifted.

“There's a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging, ‘Dear saint-please, please, please...give me the grace to win the lottery.’ This lament goes on for months. Finally the exasperated statue comes to life, looks down at the begging man and says in weary disgust, ‘My son-please, please, please...buy a ticket!’
      Prayer is a realtionship; half the job is mine.”  -Elizabeth Gilbert 

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