Friday, March 20, 2020

The World Healing Bank

“To heal is to touch with love what we have previously touched with fear” - Stephen Levine

Money is imaginary. It is only paper that means whatever we agree it means. It is a thought, a covenant.

 I am writing this at a moment in ourstory when we are in the midst of an unprecedented monetary crash due to another thought, a thought of a virus. It is the first real time, truly global, pandemic. It is being experienced by all of the world, at least as an idea, and is impacting the whole world’s economy, all at once. 

We are experiencing the event in our media, our minds, and in our hearts. There is a lot of fear. Many people wonder if they or their loved ones will even survive. 

It is the sort of event that will be seen in the future to have been a turning point. A real time event experienced by the whole world all at once, like 911, like the moon landing, like the Kennedy assassination, which was the first one of its kind. The world will be different when we have passed through this one.

Not so much because a lot of people will have died; people die every day. It will be because we had a thought together, we did something together, the world very suddenly moved to a different place, consciously, together. The economic response is just an indicator that illustrates this. Banks and governments are shuffling money around frantically at this moment, in hopes some kind of balance can be kept. 

People are suddenly at home, not at work making money, but the world runs on predictable streams of money. Many of these streams are quite suddenly stopped, diverted, evaporated. But other than very real shortages of some specific medical supplies, in many parts of the world there is plenty enough stuff and food. Just a sudden pile of fearful thoughts, many about money.

“Between stimulus and response is the freedom to choose” - Victor Frankl

But all of this is a cover for the fear at the bottom of the phenomenon. Comparatively few people have actually gotten sick or died yet, but it is too soon to know now if it will be thousands or millions. It is a true and present threat to everyone at this moment.

What if we had a Healing Bank to bail out everyone who needs help right now? A virus is invisible, unless you have a powerful microscope. How is it that this tiny thing is moving the whole world? I am sure we will soon have medicine and vaccines and treatments for this, but at this moment all we have is fearful thoughts!

Let’s start a reiki healing bank! If you know reiki, you know that like thoughts and prayers, reiki can be sent at any distance and even to different times. You are in fact, reading this thought at a different time than I wrote it. This is the nice thing about spiritual gifts, you can give them and still have them.

It is very simple. If you are well right now, send healing prayers, or reiki if you have it, to the healing bank. 

You may specify who the account belongs to. You can designate that certain loved ones can draw from it. You can specify that it is for this particular virus. Or you can simply leave those decisions up to the bank to distribute as needed in this time of crisis.

For your visualization convenience, I have made some medicine bottles. 

Pink is for love.

Orange is for vitality.

Gold is for abundance and manifesting our thoughts and visions. 

Green is for healing. 

Blue is for peace of mind and wisdom. 

Purple is for ministering angels.

 Fill each prescription you would like to, and draw from each one you might need, or send them to loved ones, or out to all the world at this time of need.

Blessings and healing light to all!

“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know” - Pema Chodron 


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