Monday, September 10, 2018

Toward Unitics Consciousness

“We are in this lifeboat together and the fiercest thing we can do is to say, I’m living in a new republic of the heart. I’m a revolutionary. You are not going to separate yourself from me. I refuse to be in separation from you. That’s the fierceness. That’s the voice of love.” -Terry Patton 

(From the book, Unitics:)
Politics will always be with us, as long as we have egos. We will struggle, contend, and so, need to compromise as long as we are separate beings. But what if we realize that we are not all that separate? What if we regard our individual selves as also part of a larger whole? What if we regarded others the way parents think of their own children, putting them first, making sure they had everything they need? The saints speak of all people as their children.

Both our sense of individuality and our awareness of the whole are evolving together now, at the same time. The process is mutually reinforcing, with the strong ego longing to become part of something greater, while each member of the greater whole stretches to grow out and beyond the perceived constraints of conventional group mind, thus expanding it.

If your imprisonment to the group consciousness seems to inhibit your freedom, so also can your illusion of an isolated self, you against the world. The feeling of membership to the group may bring feelings of security and belonging, but if you don’t value your own self you may not feel deserving of that love. That is just a different flavor of lonesome.

The paradox of individual self and the All continues all the way up and down. As above, so below. Turtles, all the way down. So politics forever, right?

Not so much. Eventually politics, the struggle between separate entities for power, should mature into a cooperation model that seeks the well being and success of all. Unitics.

Unitics addresses the same needs at a higher level. Individuality is not lost, but it is employed in more interesting and meaningful ways. Nor is connectedness lost, but enhanced, by a feeling of self that expands to the whole group, the whole planet, indeed, to all life everywhere forever.

It is a shift of perspective. Seeing everyone else as your sibling, all creatures as your responsibility, the planet as your community garden, the universe as one with your own body, causes you to feel and act differently.

Just as the political arena is fear filled, so the realm of unitics is love filled. Indeed the thought of oneself as separate and alone in the world is fearful! But so is the way individuals have often been controlled and oppressed by the the group. This is a kind of scary security gained at the price of being subsumed by the majority.

Unitics, by contrast, arises from an inner identification, an new and greater awareness, sparking a spontaneous and natural impulse to contribute. The feeling of security caused by the consciousness of unitics is authentic and loving.

Children live in this paradox. They accept their complete dependence on their parents and tribe as obvious. At the same time they strive and drive themselves toward competence and self sufficiency constantly and unrelentingly. Can we grownups hold this paradox with that much freshness, and never stop developing both a sense of connection as well as individuality?

“Remember, the entrance to the sanctuary is within you” -Rumi

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