Sunday, February 19, 2017

Breath of Love

"Heaven is everywhere if we breathe out love like we breathe in air" -David Sunheart

(From the Tantric Tech Manual:)
A joy ride in the sky of your heart, a gift for you:
This a little way to clear your circuits and surround and fill yourself with love, sending it to all around you. The breath of love can be practiced just about anywhere and anytime that you are breathing and can devote a bit of your thought and attention.
Take a long slow in-breath, as you consciously want, know, feel, affirm, and intend your breath to inhale pure healing Love. Feel the love pouring into your heart.
Now, full with this Love that you are now loaded with, let your out breath gently blow out toward the way in front of you, blessing all. You can make a little blowing shape with your mouth if you wish, like maybe blowing a kiss. You can imagine that the Love shines out from your heart, even as you direct it with your breath.
 The next breath, and all others following, do the same thing, fill up with Love on the in-breath, and bless all on the out-breath. But this time, move your point of view forward to just in front of you, and blow the Love back mentally behind you. 
Now move to your mental right, and blow the next breath to your left. Move into this left Love filled area for the next one, and blow the Love to your right.
Then above to below, after that, below to above.
You are now in a radiant psychic box (or ball) of Love.
With this in mind, blow the love into the center of the box from the points of view of all sides at once. This completes the seven directions.
(Advanced Variations:)
Would you like to go on to other dimensions? Let's!
From the point of view of the center of your ball of Love, send this Love out in all directions, even as the sun....
This is about to get quite spacey, so here we go... 
Send the love in and out at once....
Next breath, send the Love to where it is neither in nor out....
Next breath, to all and neither!
Next, to whatever you may have somehow missed with all of the preceding. 
Make stuff up! (Or so you may think...)
(Advanced Breath Yoga Variation:)
Using your finger or just internal control, breathe in your first breath through your left nostril, and out through your right. Switch to the other way around on your next breath and so on.
(Super Advanced Method:)
Condense all of these into one breath cycle, after mastering the sequence.
This cleans out and supercharges your energy field. The Breath of Love blesses the whole universe, everyone you meet, and of course, you. 
You have the breath of life. You will never regret using it for this purpose.
"Love is a portion of the soul itself, and it is of the same nature as the celestial breathing of the atmosphere of paradise." - Victor Hugo 

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