Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Green Tomato Tempura Feast

When the frost is on the pumpkin and more to the point, the frost is on the tomatoes, we say it is time for the annual green tomato tempura celebration. At our house it is the first feast of the harvest, and thus the feasting season, followed by thanksgiving and so on. Everyone brings something from the garden years' harvest, especially their green tomatoes! (Sorry no green tomato photos- oops we ate them already!)

We do not habitually eat deep fried food, so we have one special day each year in which we totally enjoy all we can eat of this delicious treat! The green tomatoes, those that will not ripen any more in the sun of this garden year, are sliced and dipped in batter and fried in a mixture of coconut, canola, and olive oil.

We use all organic oils because pesticides accumulate in fats. Of course we buy all organic food because it is an investment in the gentler world we wish to live in in the future.

We make various dips for the tempura, with things like ginger, garlic, and lemon. We also tempurize sliced broccoli, shiitake and chantrell mushrooms, green beans, and of course, onions. (Onion rings, anyone?)

To balance out all that heavy food, we make gallons of sweet raw carrot veggie juice. It is natural and healthy to periodically go without eating, or fast, and it is also natural and healthy to celebrate the harvest with our loved ones and have a feast. This is the sacred middle way.

I wonder if fasting and feasting can be as fun as one another.


"Each bite of food contains the life of the sun and the earth.

The whole universe is in a piece of bread." -Thich Nhat Hanh



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