Friday, December 4, 2015

Laundry Yoga


"You can do no great things. Only small things with great love" -Mother Therese

What your great grandmother knew was right. Clean living is healthy.

(No I do not mean living in an artificial antiseptic bubble devoid of all microbial life. Do not use antibiotic soaps without a medical reason!) What granny knew was that wearing clean clothes and taking a bath frequently is good for you.

I read in Science News about a study that found polluted air can be absorbed by our skin as much as our lungs! Unless- we are wearing freshly washed clothes, which absorb the pollution like a sponge, until of course they reach some kind of saturation point, when they need to be washed again. In fact, having your clothes all full of air pollution will actually increase your skin's absorption of the air pollution, rubbing it in!

Conversely, granny would have known that if you can't take a bath, you can get a measure of that refreshed feeling by just changing into clean clothes. All of this suggests to me that doing my laundry is a health practice.

I wonder if air drying my clothes outside would be as nice if I lived in a high air pollution area.


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