Friday, October 27, 2023

Taking the Accelerated Course

The Accelerated Course

 Thank you for signing up for the accelerated course, Incarnation on Planet Earth at the Time of the Turning of the Ages. It is an intensive participatory seminar with fieldwork. The accelerated course is being offered at this time because of the great urgency of need.

Suffering is the hallmark of this class, for discomfort is an invaluable guide to what what we need to do or not do as we encounter the obstacles given in the course. 

This is an advanced course, but you are well qualified to join. You would not have been admitted unless you are capable of passing and excelling, so even when your doubts are the greatest, always remember this. Many souls have lined up to be in the course here at this momentous time, and you are fortunate to have a seat. 

Though this is not a required course, it is the only one being offered on this planet at this time. You will emerge from this ordeal with great wisdom and love, and all of the flying colors of the rainbow. 

None of your suffering is ever in vain, for in overcoming, you will receive the ability to help others so afflicted.

We are all so happy that you have chosen to join us, for every single one of us is mission critical. I will be your fellow student, and we are all teachers as well. There will be tests every day, often many tests a day. There are no true-false tests in this course; all are multiple choice. There is always a third option, and a fourth, and so on. 

Grades are determined as we go along, by our choices. While there are no wrong answers, there are an infinite array of possible choices leading to a different infinite array of new choices.

There are no individual grades for this class: the entire planet will pass or fail, with many different levels of achievement possible in between. 

(Just between you and me, we will all pass.)

Be gentle with yourself, even as you would have others be gentle with you. Stop and rest, nourish and replenish yourself and your fellow students as you scale the heights and navigate the depths.

Things will appear differently when you slow down enough to attend to the seemingly very small matters along the way. Celebrate these, and be grateful for everything you can find to be grateful for, and these things will multiply until it is eventually all you perceive.

When you look back on the most difficult and trying times, as you will, someday; you may behold that you were doing perhaps your best work. You may then cherish those times with great affection.

You will know you are doing well in the class when you feel your love expanding out to ever more beings. Early humans were instructed to simply worship the Great Parental Unit; later, they were urged to love one another as themselves. Now the challenge is to love all, and notice your oneness with, all beings, all life everywhere forever.

I wonder what we will create together on this beautiful planet school?

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