Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What to Do When You Meet an E.T.

All Beings Forever and Everywhere

Earth people have always been in touch to some degree with so called aliens. It is only recently that humans have called them this. Before that, we called them by other names. But all cultures that have stories mention them. Some fear or worship them.

The universe is one and we are all connected. This is why there are no aliens, only relations we have maybe not met. Or maybe we just do not remember? There is no us and them, there is only us. We tend to only be aware of those beings below our view, and we tend to look mostly downward. But as below, so above. 

There are infinite realms, levels, and dimensions. So as we look at those beings we can easily watch, those below us, who are in our power and view, we arrogantly and ignorantly assume there are none above us, similarly watching us. We cherish the delusion that we are perched grandly at the top of the ladder of the universe. We are like the five year old child who prefers to forget we were in diapers not so long ago. 

When you meet an alien, whether they appear to be of lower rank and power than you, or whether you look like that to them, ultimately we are all equal beings under the eye of the One Source of us all, equally loved children of Creator. There is no need for fear if you remember this. 

However, a being in a state of fear, who is not standing in this awareness, may behave badly toward you. They may lash out at you; they may “other” you. That is why wild animals are a threat to humans if the humans fear them. And it is why some humans who do not engage with wild animals on the fear level are not threatened by them. Some humans have evolved beyond the predator level.

The same is true if you meet an E.T. If you do not engage on a fear level with them, they are just another life form closely or more distantly related to you. Do not engage with an unknown being who wants or needs something from you. Predatory behavior is a form of othering that leads to harm. And by the same token, do not act in a predatory way towards your fellow beings. Given the history of human exploitation of animals, it is no wonder we are so paranoid about aliens; it is karma. 

Love is a great power that will protect and guide you. But make sure it is the love and not the power you are following. There are humans, animals, and so called aliens up there who have power to harm you if you behave foolishly. All of them are beings in their own right with power and some degree of volition. All are your relations. All are your relations. If you do not pick up a love vibration coming from them, do not try to interact. (You could even be dealing with imposter “aliens”, secret deep black fakery.)  Be as harmless a dove, and fly away without a fight, or as wise as a snake, and retreat and hide.

Do not approach a wild animal, hostile human, or attempt to contact someone who is not resonating with you on a love vibration, unless you have enough love to heal them, instead of being harmed by them. There is a time and place for everything and maybe this is not the time for you to commune with them. Call for a Higher Power to assist you in such a threatening situation.

You will meet E.T.s along your infinite path of experience and development as a being. They are bound by the rules of higher evolution to give you respect and observe non interference and non harm. The ones that are here to help do not need anything from you. They can see right through you, though they respect your private thoughts, autonomy and individuality.

Can you not predict what your dog will do when it sees that squirrel, or whatever? It is just like that when more evolved beings look at you; you are far more predictable than you probably think.

But they will not bother you or approach unless you are open to it, or in need of their help. Just as it is inappropriate to worship golden cows, idols, or other humans with greater power or wealth or fame, do not worship E.T.s either. They may indeed have fancy flying means, or tricky powers, but they are just your fellow beings. They deserve your love and respect as equals arising from the same Infinite Creator.

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