Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Rainbow Viral Fiber Art

The Omniart Notebook

The Rainbow Viral Geometry Fiber Art Project

When I started this project a year ago, the whole world was in the beginning stage of the first truly global pandemic in modern times. Never before had an event affected almost everyone in the world before, (although certainly a good case could be made for the advent of the almost universally available cell phone.)  Many did not realize how long things would be quite different at the time. Some thought we would all hunker down for a couple of weeks. But as weeks turned into months, people realized that not only would things not go back to “normal” soon, that indeed, they would be changed forever in some ways, some even for the better. 

Families realized that they enjoyed hanging out together with their children.
 Couples either found out how compatible they were, or not. 
Working from home was proven to be workable in many cases, and may never again be seen as an unusual option.
 People came to value simple things they could not do, like hugging loved ones. Cooking at home got better. 

And I started a commemorative art project. 
It does not attempt to address the suffering, trauma, and death of the pandemic, only the appearance and geometric form of the virus.
 But it is only loosely inspired by the pictures of the structure of the virus itself.

I added the rainbow aspect. 
I knew I would be at home in the art studio for a long haul when I started this covid art project. So it is a big, ambitious piece. 

It has continued to grow over this past year. 
Like the virus itself, it has continued to mutate. At first, all of the “spikes”were uniform in size and shape, but as time went on, I added new forms, shapes, and sizes. And this diversification continues.
Like the pandemic, it is not finished yet!

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