Friday, October 16, 2020

Mother Sky, Father Earth

Mother Sky, Father Earth

History is full of stories of the “Mother” Earth and the “Father” Sky.  But why do we have to think of it like that?

I do find one story of a Mother Sky and Father Earth, from ancient Egypt, Nuit and her consort Geb. Nuit, the goddess of sky, makes love with Geb, the god of earth, continually, by just lying over him with her infinite blanket-body of stars. Their children grow up to be the famous Osiris and Isis, featured in tales written in stone.

Why not Father Earth?
And Mother Sky?

I mean, if we must sexualize and anthropomorphize everything. Which, by the way, I do not advocate. But if we insist on going there, ok, let us notice that while the dna of men and wimmin is 98% the same, the two percent difference is mostly related to the sexual apparatus involved in making babies. The male contribution is sperm donation, and the female contribution is the egg cell and a nice place for the conceived baby to grow in. Each contributes half of the DNA to the baby.

Of course, one way to look at it is that the Earth is a nice place for a baby species such as ours to be nurtured and grow up. Acknowledged. It is all about us humans with that one. 

But what if the Earth itself, as one body, is the sperm? It contains all of the information needed to grow into the greater being of our destiny once it finds its Cosmic Egg and begins to develop into a post terrestrial being. Hmm, what a conception!

 Or, do we assume that we have already reached the apex of evolution? Oh Goddess, I hope not!

What then, if the Universe is that nice place to grow up into? Did not She give birth to our solar system and galaxy? Did not same Universe do just fine without the humans for billions of years before we came along?

Can we think beyond the blip of time when we Earth humans have been around, back into Great Time? And beyond the tiny sperm of a planet we are on, out into the vast Galactic Ovum or Universal environment in which it has been ejaculated?

If the Universe is self similar “above” as “below,” then each planet-seed is different in terms of the genetic information it carries, according to its adaptation to its particular conditions. Some planet seeds might carry sturdy creatures like polar bear people, bigfoots, stocky Neanderthal types, good at living mostly underground in icy worlds. 

Others might be teeming with elven bird people who perch in great trees on forest planets. 

Herds of horse beings with single central forehead horns and wings may run and fly in rocky grass worlds. 

Somewhere, massive Herbertian sandworms burrow through desert worlds, creating spice prized by spacefaring monkey people. 

Maybe some worlds are full of great telepathic whale super minds who sing to one another from all the way across the water covered planet.

Maybe even this imagines it in a too human centric way. What if most planets find oneness and enlightenment in self realized, whole planet mats of asexual one celled life forms?

One thing is for sure. Stretch out your mind! The story is not over. The love affair between the Mother Universe and her lover and planet creation donor, Father Earth, or WHATEVER it is, is ongoing.

“Humans are the most important entity in the universe …only to most people.” -Mokokoma Mokhonoana

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