Monday, December 30, 2019

Drag Everything Along As You Go

Wherever you go, all that has gone before, all of your development in the past, all of your parents’ history, all of the ones before them, all of the time and events in the universe so far, go along with you, by definition. So it is. Be aware of this, or not, but it is so. You dance along whirling, swirling the whole of time and space as you go. It is one big, whole, connected, One. 

Why should you remember this as you walk along through your day, breathing your cycles to the rhythm of the all? Because your great spiral arms are embracing all potential at all times.  Once upon a time you squeezed into a box of the limitations of the world, and for your own good reasons. 

You wanted to design a specific objective, to make a thing, to do a thing. A thing that has parameters, perimeters, specifications. You succeeded! But you, you are not the thing. You are the one who squeezed into the thing. You can relax now, and remember that you are not the limits you made.

Believing or not believing will not keep the sun from coming up in the morning, and whatever you think about it, won’t change the reality but will certainly affect how you feel. Walking around with a bag on your head is pretty silly, but most of us have forgotten that we are wearing them. As soon as you take the bag off your head, sun belief won’t be an effort or an issue anymore.

So reach out your arms right now, swish them through the air, and feel the entire universe shift a little. Feel your heart beat in unison with the great pulses of the farthest stars, for it is so now, always has been, and never will not be so. You abide in the boundless. You are an inextricable component of it all. How could you not be? Do you really think you made yourself?

So do, and dance, and do remember, that you drag everything along with you as you go.

“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: You haven’t.” -Thomas Edison

I wonder where I might drag the universe next, and where it may may dance with me.

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