Friday, September 6, 2019

Want is your favorite color today?

“Life is about using the whole box of crayons”- Ru Paul

Why limit your favorite color to just one, forever? What is your mood today? In the industrialized world, you can choose the color you will wrap your body in each day, so why not check in with your feelings right now? 

You may have been taught that your emotions are wild and unruly, and must be controlled and suppressed. This is not always so. Surely you want to avoid loosing your temper and dumping on other people. 

But feelings are also a very important guide to what you need to pay attention to. That “gut” feeling can protect you if you know how to listen and respond to it.

“Mere color can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways”- Oscar Wilde

Feeling and desire are powered by love at the root. This Love is what makes the world go around, as they say. Feeling-desire is the motivation power that drives relationships, creative endeavors of all kinds, and is the moving force behind all conceived actions.

And color perception is deeply involved with our feelings. The colors that you surround yourself with, as clothing or in your chosen home or work environment do influence you, for the better or worse. 

Have you ever had the experience of looking in the full closet and finding nothing you want to wear? Often, it’s because you don’t have clothes in the colors you are resonating with in there. 

Relax. There is really no wrong way to wear color nowadays. 
Forget the rules you may have been taught. 
Go by how the colors feel to you and it will be fine. 
Be playful!

Of course, if you are trying to communicate something about yourself to others, you may decide to use the colors you wear in that way. Dark, dignified, and professional, for example. Bright, neon, and noticeable. Light and fresh. Blending in blue. And so on.

Bringing awareness to your feelings about the colors in your life brings, well, color into it. 

Also, if you do not, you will still be affected by it on an unconscious level. The many ads we are bombarded with on an hourly basis in the modern world are created by people who assuredly know very well how to manipulate you with color.

Rainbow Salad
Remember color in the food you eat too! Brightly colored whole foods, the fruits and vegetables, are sure to be good for you. I have been know to cruise the produce section of the natural food store and buy one of every red thing that day, and bring them home and cook them, just for the fun of it. Or yellow. Or orange. Or purple. Want blue? Steam some purple cabbage with some white potatoes; the spuds will stain blue. How about blue for your rainbow salad? Pick the edible blue flowers of the easy to grow borage plants in your garden.

So why not wake up right now and look at the flowers?

I wonder which color, which I was not fond of earlier, will start to enchant me next...

“I prefer living in color”- David Hockney

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