Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Integral to Everything

(From the Flower Child’s Garden Planet:)

It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little. Do what you can.” —Sydney Smith

The movement to address climate change is] about something deeper than [justice], it’s about solidarity. Human solidarity.” —Bill McKibben

The whole galaxy is watching. 
We are all here for the next test. 
Will the people of Earth prove they deserve to continue to run the planet, or, not. 
Do we have enough wisdom and will to rebalance?

We can, if we take the accrued wealth and know-how we have gained from converting the raw materials of the earth into wealth, and invest that wealth in ways of healing, renewing, and rebalancing. Rebuilding a world in harmony with nature is the only way we can keep this Earth Garden. 
If we exercise full integrity at every stage of production, from cradle to grave, as they say. 
If at every stage the product or service embodies the intention of full integrity, from beginning to end.

“We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to.” —Terry Swearingen

But I mean really. 
Even when we buy locally and this and that, often we don’t realize that all those things we have been buying from far away, that we don’t make locally, are made with lower standards. 
That is on us.
We still love to get stuff that seems like a great bargain, but usually if you follow that back along the chain of production, the price is not cheap, just hidden.

“Fast fashion isn’t free. Someone else is paying.” —Lucy Siegle

I mean something like a goodwill tax on everything all the time everywhere, paid not only with money, but a shared sense of basic purpose.
 What I call “unitics;” what Charles Eisenstein calls “interbeing.”
“Every time you buy organic you are persuading more farmers to grow organic.” - unknown

We talk about socially conscious, or environmentally conscious, so we mean this and more. 
I mean trying our best, inspired from within, to be mindful voluntarily at every juncture, at every point of decision, even when no one is watching.

We agree to do this in goodwill, with the hope that together, we can turn the tide.

Is this possible?
I mean, probably not?
But it is the only way forward if we want to live in the beautiful world that is even this day vanishing before our eyes.
I wonder.

“If you really think the environment is less important than the economy try holding your breath while you count your money.” 
 -Dr. Guy McPherson

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