Sunday, May 6, 2018

Eye Catching Art

Never mind the eye of the beholder. The eye of the art will capture you!

It starts as a fiber doodle. With no particular plan, I knit a tubular shape with colorful handspun yarn from the basket of my art yarn. And another. And a third one. Now, maybe they could join and merge into a larger tube. This bears some resemblance to a torso with three legs, so I go with that. It can sit upright on those legs now. I add furry hair on top, but now, I long to add one more thing. 

An eye. I resist this impulse. A button eye is not fiber. But I decide to just try it, to um, see.

Wow! Suddenly my sculpture has come alive! It seems to be a .....being. I name it It. Suddenly everyone wants to look at It. All the babies around want to pull on It’s body parts. The cat is transfixed. Wilbur takes It’s measure, decides It is not a threat, and takes a swipe at It.

Just one little button eye and the thing is a who! Now I *see* why many vegetarians say they won’t anything (anyone) with an eye. The artist Alex Grey paints scenes in which eyes are everywhere, in everything. This makes me uncomfortable. Nor am I alone in this. Putting pictures of eyes in stores reduces theft.

The eye is said to be a window to the soul. Behind that eye, we assume someone is there with us. Gazing into someone’s eyes is a very intense meditation. When I do it, the individual before me morphs into a cascade of identities, reaching back through lifetimes, through the evolution of creatures, all the way back past infinity, back to the One.

The Eyes

If you have eyes to see
You see the eyes are everywhere 
Spying eyes, satellites in skies
Who is watching who?

(Eyes in the deep
 Everything can see
There’s even eyes in places 
where the sun will never be)

Aye, yye, yye, yye,
Eyes are everywhere
Everywhere you go 
they follow you around 

Light up the night
The eyes never sleep
No place left to hide
There's no darkness anymore

Whose are the eyes
Who are the spies
Who are the Wise
Behind the eyes

Who is watching me (you)
Thru the eyes that never set
Who watches from behind the eye 
Is it you? Is it me? 
Or the eye of we?

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