Thursday, November 30, 2017

Silver and Spirit

"..The wind is blowing through the tree

Stars are tangled in the leaves

Clouds are gathering your dreams

They float away in silver streams..."


(From the Omni Color Book files:)

There was a time when I was about four years old when silver and gold were my favorite colors. They were special to me, different from the others. Those crayons of silver, gold, even copper, were magical. Treasure colors. Kings and queens of the color box.
Silver is a riddle and a mystery. 
A paradox and a contradiction.
Silver is a color of inner reflection.
It is a color that's a non color. 

Silver is the color of darkness, raised to its lightest form, enhancing the light by rejecting so thereby reflecting it, thus increasing the light. 
Silver repels all light. Unlike gold or copper, silver is faithful to all of the colors. Having no identity of its' own, silver is happy to take on and mirror whatever colors and light that may be around.

The silver moon reflects the light of the sun. Like the ultimate negative stereotype of the self sacrificing woman, silver just wants to get along, even to the point of utter self negation. Silver, like black, is no thing, a mere concept bereft of existence. A symbol of emptiness.

(Spinning silver yarn:)

Silver is Switzerland, neutral to a fault, non interventionist to the point of slipperiness. You can hide in the blankness of silver. It is almost invisible! 

The only way to visually even convey the idea of silveryness, is to show some sort of variation in a gray surface using the lights around it to reflect some shape.
Gray is dim and disorganized light mixed with shadow. But silver is a form of black, only without an ego. Headlights shine from silver cups and form beams of light. Silver is the color of shadow, polished and purified, fully refined, exalted to its highest function, that of reflecting light, with mirror perfection, and so even redeeming itself by amplifying the light! 

Pure silver is the sword with two edges, a tool that can help or harm, depending on how it is used. Reflections are happy when the mirror shows the beautiful, but the ugly reflection may be a less welcome sight to behold. Silver throws you back on yourself.

You can hide in silver. Silver holds the shield of the power of invisible. Like eyes behind mirror sunglasses, like peering out of a two way mirror.

 Like spacefaring intrepidae. Or a tricky angel.
Like spirit hiding within the thick veil of appearance and form.
I wonder where my light will beam....

"Where your attention is, there you are" -Pearl Dorris 

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