Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Planet Earth Mothers Milk Smoothie

"Earth's crammed with heaven." Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Most humans don't need milk of other animals after they, the baby humans that is, are weaned. Many adult humans have trouble digesting dairy, but we all were born to want milk. Oh, we sure do love to drink milk! Think of all those kinds of boxed milk alternatives around now.

We are so smart and capable nowadays that we don't need animals to make our milk for us after weaning. We can make our own!

I love my blender drink. A delicious blend of raw plant foods, It is complex and sweet like chocolate milk. I find new yummy things to throw into it, and also keep drinking my favorite things day to day. I may have a favorite fruit of the moment, perhaps the fruit star of the season in my area, or even some exotic dried or sustainably harvested wild plant or fruit or nut.

Oh and I go nuts for nuts! Soaked and redehydrated walnuts are my current mainstay, but all of the nuts and seeds I can get find their way into my smoothie.

Coconut and I get along really well at the moment. Coconut is plant based saturated fat, same as our brains are made of. Seasons change and so do my preferences. One nut may not seem as good to as it used to, so I find another kind. 

The basic recipe is something juicy, something fat, plus superfoods and seasonal or frozen saved fruits. I throw in some minerals too. 

Some people really like some veggies, or green powders and bitters in their smoothies.  Avocado, tomato, and cucumbers, would they be fruit or veggie? Even spicy medicinals when needed, can be nice, like onion, and fresh herbs. I call that odd glopping. (See recipe for glop in previous blogs)  That's fine if you like it. But all whole foods please, and always avoid processed foods and "products".

I love to drink my Planet Earth Mothers Milk smoothie all day long. The fat in the nuts and seeds gives the fruit sugar a nice time release aspect, smooth and mellow. I feel so happy and lucky.  In my mind I imagine sitting under the trees that grow my nuts and fruits, drinking mylk in the arms of the Mother Earth. 
The trees in my imaginary garden are filled with happy animals and birds because it is an organic garden fairly close to where I live, a breadbasket sort of area. I have orange and avocado trees, olive groves, and hazelnut, walnut, almond, and macadamia nut trees, and coconut and date palms as well. Ocean breezes blow in from the west, enriching the air, water, and soil. The vegetable garden also has many colorful fragrant flowers and herbs, cocoa, coffee, and papaya. The meadows and forest here are bursting with berries of many kinds.

But how can lots of people practically live on such a diet? And who has a garden as magnificent as mine? The answer is all of us, potentially, at least. It is the garden we share, and the more of these good things we eat that are produced sustainably, the more we "order" from our garden! In this way, we could feed all of the people while healing the environment by planting trees and organic small scale gardens. So support these with your investment. In breakfast.

"The groves were God's first temples."  
-  William Cullen Bryant

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