Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Pond Notes

“A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.”
-Walt Whitman
What a beautiful planet I live on! 
I admire the beauty of this early summer evening with the sunset sky colors reflected in the pond, and set like a fire opal in a foamy flower bracelet. We mowed around the pond in early spring and now the white daisies ring the pond. They stand waist high, forming a solid white carpet of velvety petals trembling in the breeze. Quite suitable for fairies to dance upon! The deer mill around with their heads sticking improbably up out of the flowers.
I've noticed that when you scrape around on the earth, things grow back after a while. But what exactly grows back depends on the place. In some places you get blackberries, thistles, or even a big old crop of poison oak. But here, you get a whole lot of daisies!
The herons still visit. They stop in for fast food. I see one swallowing a large goldfish and then lifting into the air on great blue grey wings.
The El Niño wetness that breaks the drought a bit brings wildflowers twice as tall, three times as diverse, and four times as numerous as usual! I see them everywhere on my morning walks. 
Sometimes I feel so depressed about the ongoing damage we are doing to the natural world. But a spring like this one lifts my spirits, because I behold also the resilience of this highly tuned, self balancing system of nature that we humans have evolved up within, and are waking up to. It is as if the flowers have been waiting for a year like this, and they spring up in joy when the rains return.
I wonder if, a hundred years from now, we will see a world that is a garden planet, like we could create here, or a technological prison planet of control and repression. The choice is ours...
"The universe is not a hierarchy. It is a jungle wild fractal swirliarchy." - Omni

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