Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Swearing in Tongues

"I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think."- Rumi

Soma t'meekaiya, (sew-MAH-tah-mee-KAI-ya) is the language of emoting.

When I was a child I learned this language from my little sister. Maybe she did not know any swear words yet. Or perhaps she had never seen anyone swearing and so did not know how to do it properly. In either case she used made up words, sounds, really, to express her intense emotions. She would just blurt something out, usually something vaguely Spanishy since it was the most familiar foreign language to us kids in Texas.

Swearing has been shown to make people feel better. I don't know the mechanism of this, but I do know that using Soma t'meekaiya does make me feel better. I have a room in my brain where all kinds of word fragments, syllables, vowels, and random sounds jangle around in a space, like floating confetti. I think I filled that room when I was learning to talk. This is the reservoir from which I snatch a handful of word bits when I use this technique.

I swear in tongues! I don't know if this is exactly what people experience when they use typical swear words, but I do think this technique has some advantages. It's fun and creative. Most important, no one gets offended at your language! If the purpose is to shock those around you, it will not work, however.

I wonder if anyone else does this.


" We're here to know how to communicate to our loved ones who may not agree with our values without getting on the soapbox or forming hard armours of protection and defence. We're here to practice compassion for self and others. We're here to live authentically and dance to the beat of our own hearts."

-Charles Eisenstein


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