Monday, November 30, 2015

Sacred Tree Harvest Dance Meditation

(From the Be Like a Tree Sacred Movement Meditation book):

This is the joyous time of the harvest, when you bring out the fruits of the growing season to share and offer. As the wild and wonderful dance of summer becomes a mere smile of memory, one day you stand and proudly hold up your work.

You may reflect on the way this particular cycle of growing and alchemy of love and effort and learning has unfolded for your perfect experience.

Offer this fruit of experience now, standing tall with both hands cupped together in front holding your fruit symbolically up to the infinite sky at the level of your throat, the level of sound, vibration, music, and creative power.

Behold the beauty of your creation even as you offer it first to your own divine source, and even also then, in love, to all life everywhere forever. This is the most holy moment of the entire tree movement meditation, the offering of the fruit. Bring your hands together at the heart level for one more loving hug.


As the tree freely offers the ripened fruit, even as the tree releases its leaves at the end of the cycle of the year, now, in a final movement of gifting and love, allow the gift, your creation, to gently float to the earth. Perhaps it will feed or inspire someone; perhaps it will plant a seed for later. Follow in the dance and allow your hands to curve and flow also down, down to come to rest, palms down, on the bit of earth upon which you stand. Linger, and feel that you and the gift, and earth, and the infinite universe cradling you now, are all one vibration, one song, one love.


"Do whatever you may do, but always do it for me" -God, in the Gita



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