Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Mysterious Gray Thing

Today we have blue dragonflies on the pond rocks, and white butterflies flitting in the breeze around the pond.

The fish in the pond are quite active at random times and often in the twilight hours. I watch them for a long time as they swim, explore, and patrol.

Sometimes a small silvery grey fishy looking thing, maybe a finger long, kind of rises up out of the pond scum at the bottom and sort of swims along with the little group of goldfish for a few feet, then dives back down into the brown muck.

What is it??! Sure looks like a fish, but I haven't gotten a real good look. Sometimes I think I see several of these mysterious swimmy thingies.

I reflect on reflections. Shiny flashes of mystery creatures, moving in living waters, on reflection, prompt me to reflect upon the the shiny mirror that the pond is to me, connected to the all, reflecting the infinite sky of light.

You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather. --Pema Chodron

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