Thursday, September 22, 2016

Elusive Orange Beings and Garden Planet Blues

(From the Flower Child's Garden Planet Manual:)
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there."- Rumi 
There are dozens of them, bright orange, floating into view, between the layers of gray. As I stare, they just kind of fade away. All I see now is the blue of the sky...
...reflected in the pond . There must have been fifty of the glistening frisky creatures in the nearby cloud of orange, a school of floating carrots, and a couple dozen more in the second cloud, in the little mirage-flotilla a foot or two away from the first school.
I think they must first conjure up a swirl of pond muck around themselves, and then, on cue and in formation, and seemingly without even moving, they just subtly drop down into their cloud of camouflage.

 The pond abides all summer, but I observe the heron come by for fast food several times as the water level drops. No telling how many times this happens when I'm not watching. One day in just a minute or three, I watch the heron catch several carrot sized orange fish, flashing golden and silver in the sun. Too easy, I say!

So we mow and water and bring in two new pickup loads of beach sand. The nice soft dry kind. The fish love this. They come out and nibble on things around the slightly expanded pond edge and I think the sand gives them a taste of the ocean.
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman 

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