Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Bird Drop App

The Bird Drop App

Extinction Events Notification and Bird Population Drops

“The Homo Sapiens have not yet failed. Yes, we are failing, but there is still time to turn everything around. We can still fix this. We still have everything in our own hands.”- Greta Thunberg

Today you really can get an app for anything!

This one sends you notifications every time, on average, a bird dies from human caused disruption of its means of survival. This may be habitat loss, chemical toxins, emf pollution, cat predation, etc. An estimated three billion birds are missing from the waters, land, and skies, that would be here now, but for our human actions, which we can change at any time if we simply want to. Half of the bird species in the US are threatened.

You can set the parameters yourself: a notification every 10, or 100, or 1000 birds lost. The notifications come in at random times.

This can be a real conversation starter, or merely a jolt of consciousness raising. The app then offers you options to respond. You can take action immediately.

Pass the information on to a friend? You land in your message box. Write an email to your elected representative? Here are some talking points, and you go to your email app. Find a group near you? Here are some contacts for your neighborhood. Make a donation? Here are some groups and easy ways to immediately send money. Need some good news? Check out the online chat, with others who report successes in their area.

“Hope doesn’t come from words. Hope only comes from actions.”- Greta Thunberg

There is even a setting for you if you are super seriously committed to making a difference: Every time a species goes extinct, your notification screams in a most disturbing way. You also receive links to information about specific animals or birds in critical danger.

“I don't want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel everyday. I want you to act. I want you to act like you would in a crisis. I want you to act like your house is on fire, because it is.” -Greta Thunberg

Every DAY the world is losing around 150-200 plant and animal species on average. Around 137 of those species go extinct due to deforestation. 

The extinction notification in the app includes not only species of birds, but any species, since the insect population crash, for example, is responsible for the bird population crash in many species. The whole web of life is interdependent. So, each time we lose a species, or ten, or a hundred, the app screams. Unless… you have set up an automatic monetary donation, in your choice of the amount, to help stop the extinction apocalypse. If you are signed up to make this automatic donation, you are instead notified by cheering, applause, or a simple, “good job, keep it up!”

The money then goes into a savings account from which you designate your contribution to be passed on to your choice of recipient individuals, groups, projects, or political campaigns. Each month, you decide where your accumulated donation shall go. You can even give your saved up money to yourself, and buy yourself, for instance, a fair trade organic cotton tee shirt to advertise your alliance with life and health of beings and planet.

The app even offers these, with the words Extinction Event Notification printed in nontoxic fabric ink, above pictures of birds or whole Earth.

Wouldn’t it be great if this app were available? I wonder if someone is building this app right now?

‘’I’m sure the moment we start behaving as if we were in an emergency, we can avoid climate and ecological catastrophe.”- Greta Thunberg

Friday, December 23, 2022

Heartwood Solstice Tree Meditation and Ritual

Heartwood Solstice Tree Meditation and Ritual

Sit or stand straight. Place your hands over your heart, kindling feelings of love, perhaps thinking of someone you love deeply. Breathe for a while into the heart and hands, filling them with this love light. Release the breath intending the energy to go forth to bestow goodness. 

The heartwood of the tree is the central inner channel in the center. Seen from above, it is circular like a mandala. From the side, it is the cylinder of wood in the center of the tree, going down to the tap root, and up to the top of the tree, pointing toward the heavens.

Now open your hands and hold them up toward the sky, sending your love up to the Infinite Creator from whence you arose. Feel your love being telegraphed out from your treesome radio tower to this infinite all One. 

Feel the love being returned to you, amplified by your attention. Feel the fact that you are so very loved and always have been.

Now stretch your arms out from your side, waist high, as if holding hands with others in a circle. If you are in an actual circle of friends, hold hands now. Feel and know that you are in a circle that is actually all around the world, in many dimensions, and not just a circle, but a sphere of friends, both seen and unseen. Visualize this sphere as the world, with a myriad of dedicated helpers and friends, appearing as lights, all over and around the beautiful planet. Send your love and gratitude now, through heart and hands, to this living active network of light workers, as you presently connect with them consciously. 

Know that by your loving intention now, joining with others in this task, that the world is being uplifted and transformed. As this happens, a great shield of protection arises around the project, made with this combined love light of countless beings. It appears now, as a beautiful blue and violet halo around the Earth.

Now, lower your hands slightly, as if to bestow a special blessing on the world below, and all of the beings before you. Let all of the love from the Infinite Creator, and this gathering of your world serving friends, and your own loving heart, flow out to this world in need, at this crucial moment. See, feel, and know it is flowing down to the Earth like a cool blue crystalline rainfall of wisdom, guiding anyone who who wishes it. 

See, know and feel the Earth growing green and healthy, the rivers, the oceans, the air flowing bright and clean, refreshed and renewed. See the beautiful cities and dwellings newly created in harmony with the Earth and with living systems.

Sense that you are of one mind and intention with your friends, connected telepathically by radiant filaments of golden love light, in this effort. 

See and feel the rhythmic dance of healing and reshaping the systems and forms of the world of people. Hold this vision gently as it unfolds before you, like a vast and fragrant meadow of orange and pink flowers opening in a new springtime, dancing in the breeze of a fresh start of a new cycle. See the people of Earth work joyfully together to support all beings, reweave the broken ecofabric, restore the beauty of the Earth that was damaged.

Return now to the heartwood place. Feel the love gently rest in the center of your being. Feel your branches reaching out, connecting blissfully to the whole universe. Feel your roots confident and connected, as one, with the heart beat of the Earth. So let it be.