Monday, November 28, 2016

Flying Cat!

"I have lived with several zen masters, all of them cats."-Eckart Tolle
My kitten can fly  He does not know that cats cannot fly, so he launches himself off of just about any high place, apparently assuming he will go where he wishes. And he usually does! 
Wilbur is light and muscular and seems to be threaded with elastic and rubber. He leaps without hesitation or regard to what is below, but only toward the object of his desire. 
He kind of spreads out flat in midair, as if for aerodynamic effect. He slides, does rolling landings, and then skitters straight up objects as if they were horizontal! 
He comes flying into the room, up the wall, across the air, bounces off the chair, and out of the room again, before you can even look up.
He can leap and catch the ball I throw in midair. The whole body, the whole being, shoots gracefully through the air, as one, unified missile of purpose. He can leap so effortlessly over the dog that he appears to float for a moment and land as if he had no weight at all. 
I watch admiringly and learn, from this cat person, of the power of coherent intention and pure concentration.
"There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person."
-Dan Greenberg

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The End of Politics

The universe is not a hierarchy. It is a jungle-wild fractal swirliarchy. - Omni
(From the Book of Unitics, From Politics to Unitics, The End of Politics:)

Tired of politics? Play the Unitics Game!

When I love you, and myself, and all of us, when I take all of us into consideration when I do something, and when you do this as well, and enough others do too, we can decide about community things in cooperation, without disputation, because we all care about each one of us. Politics withers away.

The process is personal as well as political, from the task at hand, the success of the feminist revolution, all the way on into the cocreation of a new collaborative love based society. This will be the stage in which society has managed to transcend politics, and has graduated to deciding public policy together, by means of Unitics.
Sounds good in theory, but how does unitics work in real life? How does it look? 
Perhaps it starts with one's own outlook. 
Appreciating all of the gifts we have received from others. 
Perhaps a realization that we absolutely need each other. 
Maybe an assumption that the other person means well and what they are doing makes sense to them.
 Just walking around intending general goodwill.
 Noticing when we are "othering" someone.

It is simply a matter of loving intention, leading to good faith communication, leading to trusting one another to have the other person's highest good paramount, and everyone really taking this to heart.
We can do this well already in small groups, such as the couple, or in some family relationships, in true friendships, perhaps some creative or monastic groups, but the larger the group, the trickier it can be. Fortunately, the information revolution makes communication easy, so we can know more about, and connect with, people who seem different from us. 

When we get to know others, we will feel more able to widen that kinship and love relationship circle to all people, all beings, and all life. This is the common ground of unitics. As we disarm our psychic barriers we will remember this is also the most natural and ancient way to live together.
When a critical mass of people routinely make each and every decision, from the ordinary everyday ones, to the most profound life changing ones, based on their most sincere awareness of what is in the highest good of all life everywhere forever, we can awaken to a society that is ready to govern itself with Unitics.
Until then, we shall be saddled with politics, the contending for power between perceived separate interests, and thus the need to win the feminist revolution. Politics is hectic, painful and pathetic, but it will be with us until the end of the age. Even now, though, unitics consciousness is emerging and eventually will replace politics. So why not start now, because as soon as you want to, you can join in our evolution.

And remember this is a fun game. Everyone is already a winner, and all must have prizes! Because until everyone is self actualized, we are still in process toward even a really good glimpse of our collective or synergistic potential. I wonder what a world of considerate, happy, harmonious, creative, self actualized people would be like.
"I often say jokingly that a truly selfish person must be altruistic!
 You have to take care of others, of their well-being, by helping them and serving them, to have even more friends and make more smiles blossom. The result? When you yourself need help, you will find all you need! On the other hand, if you neglect others’ happiness, you will be the loser in the long run."
-The Dalai Lama

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Vegan Eggs?

"There are 3 inescapable problems we all face:
1. How to win food and shelter
2.  How to get along with others.
3.  How to relate to the total scheme of things.
If we deal with the 3rd one first, the other two get answered." -Houston Smith
I try to make lifestyle choices that cause as little harm to other beings as possible. This is veganishness.  I realize that it's impossible to live on Earth without causing any harm at all. 
The very roads we travel cause habitat loss, the walls and paint of the houses we live in contain dead animal products, even this computer I write on has an impact. If you even breathe, you kill microbes.. 

But to proceed in a veganish way through the world, I take into account the whole picture at each choice point. 
Let's consider the backyard chicken. Some people don't think eggs can even be a vegan food, but they can be a veganish food if done right. Nobody has to die to make eggs. Here is my definition: 

First, chickens live fifteen years, but only lay eggs daily for about three years. So there must be a commitment to the chickens' well being for their whole life, and their living conditions must be happy and healthy for them.
Next, chickens lay eggs even when there are no roosters around, so these eggs amount to well, chicken menstruation. But even if you have roosters around fertilizing the eggs, if you simply don't allow them to be incubated to hatching out chicks, you can avoid ever having those extra roosters that farmers are temped to put into the soup pot. 

If you do want chicks, many people can tell pretty accurately which eggs contain male vs female chicks by the shape of the eggs. Female chicks come from rounder eggs; male chick eggs look more oblong. 
There is a really good reason for eating eggs if you generally do not eat any meat or dairy or fish, and that is to get those awesome omega 3's that are so good for your brain and all. It has been many decades since I had meat or fish and I don't want to get demented!

So in order to get our veganish omegas, we have just gotten chickens!! They have a chicken tractor. This is a mobile coop with egg laying boxes inside, and no floor. You pull it around on its wheels, across the land to fresh pastures each day, so the chickens can find fresh grass, herbs and bugs. 
Our chickens are out tractoring now, happily pecking, scratching, and making contented humming and clucking sounds. As for me, I like it that I can feed and move them in the middle of the day, because I'm not a crack of dawn person. 
They are safe and happy in their fresh and changing environment, and the big veganish dog notices the commotion if any predators come near. Out here in the country, the life force is strong. We have cougars, bears, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, and many kinds of hawks and eagles.
We feed our pet birds flax seeds and all organic feed and fruit and veggie treats. I'm planning their forage meadow garden, to be from a special plant seed mix that chickens like, for next year. I've heard you can even sprout their seeds for them. I sprinkle a happy chicken dried herb and flower mix in with the hay of the chicken coop. It smells nice in there. 

After only two days, they already are relaxed enough to eat out of my hand! And they have started to lay eggs!
I wonder if we will be having cake around here soon...

"whole system interliving"  -Jean Houston