Thursday, March 10, 2016

Can I Still Learn a New Language?

“It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” -Albert Einstein

I wonder if I can still learn a whole new language. Perhaps I'm just worrying that maybe I just can't do it because I'm too old. I'm not that old. I'm just not a kid. And for some reason, I just decide to up and find out, and immediately plunge right in.

Is this Huge Undertaking sparked by the concurrent arrival, in this last month, of a new (and thus language learning) baby in the family? Do I feel some sort of baby caused tickle in my brain for language learning?

And is it the talk of democratic socialism in the presently ongoing presidential campaign that piques my interest in Sweden? Or the fact that part of my ancestry, four generations back, derives from Sweden?

Whatever the why, suddenly I am studying Swedish.

But right away, I hit a wall. The first thing I have to learn turns out to be, learning how to learn again.


So here goes: To wonder is to be hungry for the answer. To begin finding my way toward the answers I seek is to feel rewarded, just like winning a prize or finding a treasure. This is my first lesson. I wonder if I can still learn a whole new language....


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin


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